the Trend
With new, emerging yearly trends, it’s not uncommon for couples to buck or tweak tradition on their wedding day and pre-nuptial festivities. Here at Western Australia Wedding & Bride, Tegan Lyon discusses the merits of steering away from a traditional hens and bucks in favour of a joint celebration.
Photo by: Allie Claire Creative
Today, bridesmaids wear white, cakes are naked, and couples walk each other down the aisle. This change in wedding culture is equally true of hens and bucks nights. Since the majority of couples live together long before marriage, these pre-marital celebrations are hardly the final hurrah or last night of freedom. Prewedding festivities have become more varied and inventive, with winery tours, paintball tournaments, cooking classes and boat cruises among the countless options available to groomsmen and bridal parties. With brides- and grooms-to-be having friends of both genders, a standard hens or bucks will often exclude such friends. The solution; a combined ‘hucks’ night.
Inclusive For All
Although the trend of a hucks night is a relatively new one, the beauty of this concept is its inclusivity. A hucks has the potential to eliminate heterosexual, gender-focused activities. By having a shared night of drinks or a daytime activity, the bride and groom can extend the invitation to their male and female relatives and close friends. Depending on the activity or level of rowdiness, couples have also been known to invite each other’s parents. A hucks is also a great idea for couples who have bridal parties made up of both men and women. Without any restrictions, the guest list for a hucks can be as long or short as you like. Couples may also have friends or family that couldn’t make the engagement party, so a hucks is another celebratory opportunity prior to the wedding. As a bonus, your wedding guests can get to know each other better before the big day.
One of the benefits of a hucks night that couples might not have considered is the reduced cost of having one shared event, rather than separate hens and bucks outings. In conjunction with
the bride and groom, the best man and maid of honour are often tasked with balancing the budget for a hens and bucks, a figure that can easily inflate with activities, room hire, transport and accommodation. Pooling all funds and resources into one event means you don’t have to sacrifice the quality of your day or night. Larger groups can ease the cost of bus or room hire when divided equally, and are perfect for tours and group activities where there is a minimum number of guests needed to participate. Finally, a hucks night negates the need for a bridal shower – another pre-martial event that can prove quite costly.
Partners In Crime
Even with the many benefits of a hucks night, every couple is different, and this combined event isn’t suitable for everyone. Before embarking on a hucks night, there are a few factors you should consider to determine if a hucks party is right for you, your partner and your guests. A hucks is often best suited to couples that share the same friends or run in similar circles; a convenient and effective way to gather all your friends together in the same place. For other couples, their friendship groups are more segregated, and they may share fewer people in common, so a combined event could fall flat. As the hens and bucks is typically organised by the best man and maid of honour, a hucks night orchestrated by the two most important members of your bridal parties will often run smoother if they already know each other. If you and your partner don’t want to commit to a fully-combined event, consider starting the day together and then peeling off into different groups, or you can do the reverse and meet up at a final venue to finish the celebrations.
An Assortment Of Activities
If you have decided on a combined hens and bucks party, there are a wide range of activities
available to suit the tastes and preferences of you and your partner, as well as your guest list. While large gatherings won’t be possible for some time, now is the perfect opportunity to start planning the ultimate night out. When organising your hucks, it’s important to establish the right vibe. If you and your partner are foodies who love a drink or two, maybe a low-key dinner on Chapel Street is right for you. If you’re both big partygoers, then why not head out for a pub crawl or splash out on a booze cruise? Homebody-types might prefer to throw a themed party or host a mini backyard festival – though you might want to leave the parents off the guest list! Brewery, winery or distillery tours are the perfect excuse for a boozy day trip, with many companies offering hens and bucks-tailored packages.
Fun activities like go-karting, paintball and minigolf are always a winner, and bring out a bit of friendly rivalry. Holy Moley on Little Bourke Street caters for mini-golf lovers with food, drinks and room-hire packages available for groups. If you and your partner love a spot of adventure, try indoor bouldering or abseiling outdoors. For fitness fanatics with a competitive edge, Tough Mudder might be the perfect activity for you. This intense obstacle course can be completed with a smaller group or a large team as there are no group size restrictions. Whatever your preferences, there are a wealth of options for your hucks party that are bound to satisfy the majority. Be sure to consult venues in advance to keep up-to-date with closures and future trading hours before finalising any bookings.
If a hens and bucks is supposed to mark the end of your single life, a hucks party is the modern antidote; a celebration of your relationship up until your marriage.