Home | Category: "Uncategorized" Company Name MELBOURNE Wedding Venue (Description or title) CONTACT Company Name...
Home | Category: "Cakes" Miss Gateau Cakes & Catering MELBOURNE WEDDING CAKE SPECIALIST Owner of Miss Gateau Cakes, Bec Sordello, is an expert when it comes to creating decedent treats to suit any function, regardless of your diet. Miss Gateau Cakes...
Home | Posts Tagged "Wedding Cakes" Bouquet Cakes By Tiffany Offering all types of buttercream, fondant cakes and cupcakes, Bouquet Cakes by Tiffany are a home-based and council-registered cupcake boutique in Melbourne’s west. With a passion for delivering...
Home | Posts Tagged "Cakes" (Page 2) CW Cake Wonderland MELBOURNE WEDDING CAKE SPECIALISTS CW Cake Wonderland has been helping couples create their special cake for more than thirty years, with a team of creative cake makers who love designing and creating...
Home | Posts Tagged "hair services melbourne" NEIKE Hair Melbourne MELBOURNE WEDDING HAIR SPECIALIST The team at NEIKE Hair Melbourne love to watch their clients grow more confident with themselves for life’s special events. Head stylist Dom works alongside...
Home | Category: "Bridal Fashion" Elly Louise MELBOURNE BRIDAL FASHION With a strong focus on gorgeous trimmings and delicate floating fabrics, Elly Louise boasts sweet femininity and dainty designs. Supporting Australian-made materials and embellishments,...